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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

I ventured to Viera and Orlando Wetlands today in search of Bobolinks and Least Bitterns.  Unfortunately, I came up empty.   However, nesting time provides plenty of opportunities for close looks at birds busily building nests and tending to chicks.  

Roseate Spoonbills - Yes, even the chicks have spoon bills.

Sandhill Cranes - Could have petted these if I had wanted to.

Black-crowned Night Herons - One stick at a time.

I'm not sure what these Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were doing.  They didn't move from this spot the entire hour and a half I was there.

One final note for my buddy Judson.  This is not a bird.  I have learned that unless you're the Alabama Crimson Tide, you leave the gators alone.

Tomorrow... to Key West.

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