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Friday, May 3, 2024

I arrived in Phoenix yesterday with the temperature at 94 degrees and regular unleaded gas at $4.18 per gallon.   So, I bolted for Flagstaff as fast as the traffic would allow.  This morning I was on the trail at 6:15am with sunny skies and 41 degrees that warmed to a perfect 72.  And gas at a more reasonable $3.54 out here in the boondocks.  Much better.  

Today's highlights included a trip to Marble Canyon near the Arizona / Utah border to see the endangered California Condors.  Two of them put on a aerial show above the canyon.

Another highlight was adding 7 more species to my life list which now stands at 490.  It has been quite a while since I added that many in one day.  The stunning Red-faced Warbler was a top lifer target for me. 

The 2024 species total grew by 20 today.  So, all in all, an excellent start to the trip. 

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