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Friday, June 28, 2024

As June comes to a close, the pursuit of 500 bird species is effectively on hold at 414.  The month has been spent mostly watching Chip the cat whip the man cubs into shape.  He does much of his coaching from the dining room table.

Like a battle-hardened drill sergeant, Chip makes sure Henry pushes Owen safely around the house.  Chip fancies himself as the 'law and order' cat.

Chip has been teaching Henry how to play with cat toys.  Here, Henry demonstrates his ability to play with his truck and fish for cats at the same time.  Chip is a big believer in multi-tasking.

And, Chip has been sharing the finer points of enjoying a good catnip high with Henry.

One of Chip's favorite exercises is to soak up the Florida sunshine while taking his turn at keeping a watchful eye on the man cubs.

Henry enjoys his opportunities to slip away from Chip's heavy hand to spend time at the pool.  Here, he was able to talk three young ladies into letting him borrow their 'boat'.  I don't know who taught Henry that skill.

At the end of another busy day, the man cubs are thankful for some peace and quiet...

... as Chip takes a break to do what cats do best.

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