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Monday, June 10, 2024


Upon learning about more delays with moving into our new house last Thursday, we did the only thing we could do... we headed to Cincinnati on Friday to visit my mom.  And, to continue the pursuit of 500 species in 2024.

Saturday morning found us in the Sandhills Wildlife Refuge of South Carolina with three target birds.  I have been waiting for a chance to photograph a Bob White quail for four years.  I finally got my chance.  Not a great chance.  But a chance.

Next, the diminutive Acadian Flycatcher.

And, the endangered Red-Cockaded Woodpecker.  This is another species that has declined as a result of habitat loss.  Its white cheeks distinguish it from similar species such as Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers.  So, we were 3 for 3 at this stop.

Later that afternoon, I picked up #400 at Seven Islands Park near Knoxville, TN.  The Field Sparrow isn't anything to get excited about but, every one counts.

Today, it's on to Michigan in search of nesting warblers.  One thing I am realizing about being retired is there are no days off.  You have to be retired every day.  Frankly, it's exhausting.  More soon from Michigan.

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