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Saturday, May 25, 2024

The past couple of weeks have been all about babies, bottles and diapers.  Henry and I have been taking walks, going to the pool, and wearing out the movie "Cars."  I have also concluded there isn't a pop song that cannot be turned into a Sesame Street jingle.  Chip the cat has taken it upon himself to raise the man-cub Owen.

This weekend marks the beginning of the move into the new house.  It looks like that process will consume most of June. 

I have also been working through the remaining photos from the Arizona trip.  Here a few more looks from the trip.

True to its name, this Hermit Warbler made a brief appearance on the final morning of the trip.

Painted Redstart is another one of my favorite birds to photograph.  

Do hummingbirds take baths?  Why yes, they certainly do.  This female Broad-tailed Hummingbird took a dip in the stream while I was working on the Grace's Warbler below.

On the final morning, I walked with a couple of staffers from the Ash Canyon Preserve in search of Northern Pygmy Owls.  We didn't see the owls but, they did point out several nests including this Plumbeous Vireo sitting on her nest.  We also observed Rivoli's and Beryline Hummingbird nests.

Finally, another of my western favorites is the Mountain Chickadee.

More soon provided we survive the move into the new house.  Doing that kind of work with the heat index at +100 degrees is not my idea of a healthy past-time.  

1 comment:

  1. Baby Owen is adorable! (the birds are, too). More Henry and Owen pics, please!
