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Saturday, May 11, 2024

After ten fabulous days in Arizona, it's back to Key West tomorrow to prepare for the move into the new house.  

For the trip, I tallied 156 total species with 88 new for the year and 31 life birds.  The 2024 YTD total species count now stands at 395 species against my goal this year of 500.  The going gets tougher from here.

The locals insist seeing a Gila Monster is a rare thing but, I saw my second one in 5 days near Portal, AZ.

One of the top priority species for any birder in Southeast Arizona is the Elegant Trogon.  This bird is primarily found from Mexico south into Central America.  But, a few make their way into the 'Sky Islands" south of Tucson.

And, while Roadrunners are quite common in this area, it's still fun to watch them dart about like they just downed a six-pack of Red Bulls.

Oh yes, and the Elf Owl I was looking for Wednesday evening?   Yep, I got that one too.  The Elf Owl is the world's smallest owl measuring about 5 inches from the top of their head to the tip of their tail.

Hasta la vista, Vaya con dios and Tommy Lasorda from Arizona!

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